hullo there

If you are reading this, I suppose I decided to make public these random thoughts of mine for the world to read. Who knows why, who even reads blogs anymore (besides me), who knows what this will be.

I’ve thought about starting a blog for a long time now, ever since I started to read blogs like A Cup of Jo, My Name is Yeh, 600 Acres, Joy the Baker. Reading and becoming engrossed in the stories and lives of these bloggers for so many years naturally fed a desire to share my own life- but I never really felt like I had something new to add.

I’m still not sure exactly what I will write about here. Sitting in the lab right now, after reading a particularly nice blog post, here are the things I hope to touch on in this space:

  • food (recipes I love, my own creations, favorite places to eat)
  • chemistry (what I’ve been up to in the lab, cool science things I read about, the chemistry OF food, my school and career path)
  • arts and crafts (painting, lettering, random embroidery, projects and weird things I make)
  • musings (on school, on relationships, on introverting, on God, on overthinking, on things I read/ watch/ listen to, on what the heck is life)

I’m hoping that by writing things down in a possibly public way, I will be more likely to [cook, read, make, think].. because that’s how the internet works. I’m also not very eloquent, and I hope to gradually clarify and refine my thoughts through the practice of writing. I hope to be honest and curious and always growing. This is a journey toward creativity and a documentation of the things I think are important.

sincerely, juliet

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